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23 januari (Huissen, Boekpresentatie Liesbeth Woertman)
Zeg me wie ik ben: Over de grenzen van identiteit
Op 23 januari verschijnt het nieuwe boek van Liesbeth Woertman, emeritus hoogleraar psychologie en auteur van diverse boeken. Tijdens een inspiratiemiddag zijn er bijdragen van diverse gasten, waaronder mijzelf.
Over het boek: "Identiteit is nog nooit zo’n heet hangijzer geweest. Je bepaalt zelf wie je bent, zo is het verhaal. Tegelijkertijd was de druk op de mentale zorg nog nooit zo hoog. Liesbeth Woertman is emeritus hoogleraar psychologie en auteur van vele boeken. In haar nieuwe boek prikt zij de luchtbel van grenzeloze autonomie overtuigend door. Ze gebruikt kennis van filosofen, feministen, wetenschappers en alledaagse voorbeelden om te laten zien dat identiteit altijd relationeel is: we worden gevormd door onze relaties met andere mensen en de wereld om ons heen."
10 mei 2025 (Diepenveen, Wise Women Retreat):
Lezing: Women archetypes in times of change
As women, we are the parents, prophets, pioneers, patrons of the society that is trying to emerge.
- Hazel Henderson
What is your place in a world undergoing profound ecological and societal change? What wisdom, strength, emotional maturity, or other inner treasures can you offer? Who—or what—within you is being called forth?
These questions are not unique to our time. We have much to learn from our ancestors, particularly through their myths. Myths often feature archetypes—main characters that tap into our collective consciousness, unlocking profound psychological and spiritual resources. They serve as both a map and a mirror, reflecting who we are, where we stand, and what stirs deep within us. Myths guide us in bringing forth what is waiting to be born.
In this lecture, I will share with you my favorite myth: the myth of Persephone and Demeter. In ancient Greece, this was the most significant myth for over 2,000 years.
The story centers on Persephone, the cherished daughter of Demeter (the goddess of agriculture and grain) and Zeus (the supreme, patriarchal god). One day, Persephone is abducted by Hades and taken to his realm of the dead. This event marks the beginning of a profound journey, during which both Persephone and Demeter undergo deep transformations. With each stage of their journey, they embody new female archetypes, offering us valuable lessons on navigating grief, loss, anger, and injustice. They also show us how to grow into healing solitude, meaningful companionship, new opportunities, and empowered leadership.